Before a photo shoot, people are always asking... "what should we wear?"
Well, here are some of the guidelines I give to my clients before a shoot:
*Choose a color theme (solid colors are best) and clothing style that are representative of your family.
*Try to choose clothing that is likely to still be in style for many years, so you don't date your photos.
*Long sleeves or 3/4 lenth sleeves are recommended for adults to focus attention on the face. Short sleeves are fine for infants and children.
*Dark-colored pants or skirts with matching hosiery are most flattering for women. Jeans are PERFECT!
*Simple hairstyles and natural makeup are best. (Except for fashion or unusual shoots.)
*Hair should be trimmed neatly, but not cut within 48 hours of the portrait sitting.
*Keep in mind that dark clothing tends to be more slimming although whites and light colors make for beautiful photography as well. I will let you decide on this one...
*Bold colors photograph best! Pastels are pretty, but the color doesn't POP like bold colors.
*Geometric patterns and plaids are NOT the best choices for family portraits. They are very busy and tend to detract from the true subject... YOU! If you choose one of these types of patterns, make it a small scale print and use it as the "tie" between other family members' clothing.
If you still need help deciding what to wear or what will look good in a picture, let me know! I will be happy to assist you... even if that means meeting you to pick out clothing! I want your portraits to be the BEST they can be!!